Product Description Excavator Swing Motor

Excavator Swing Motor New & Repair

Swing motors are core elements necessary for the operation of excavators. Piston pumps that form the oil pressure using engine power and main control valves convey the oil pressure to each part. Swing motors are hydraulic motors that form the proper turning force of excavator booms using oil pressure, shift rotation either to the right or left and convey or cut off turning power.

1. Swing motors that display strong power and the highest performance
2. High-functioning and compact design applying new technology
3. Excellent maintenance
4. High reliability and good technology
5. Actively supporting various customer demands

M2X63, M2X210, M2X150, M5X130-121, M5X130, M5X180-169, M5X180, M2X63CHB-RG06D, M5X130CHB-RG11D, M5X130CHB-RG14D, M5X180CHB-RG14D, M5X180CHB-RG20D, M2X150CAB